Travel to Switzerland evokes many images... flower-covered meadows, bell-ringing cows, chocolate, Heidi, and of course fairy-tale mountains! The beauty of it is, that Switzerland is all this and much, much more. There are many beautiful, intriguing places around the world, but very few are as scenic and awe-inspiring as Switzerland. It's one of those places that not only lives up to it's image, but exceeds it. The people are friendly and honest, travel is easy and reliable, the food is good, the history is rich, and many Switzerland travel destinations seem as if they're plucked from a dream. Switzerland is a paradise for hikers, train buffs and chocolate lovers, and is a stunning destination for travelers of all stripes.
I've lived and traveled in Switzerland since 1997, and this Switzerland travel guide is something that I've thought about writing for quite awhile. I haven't been everywhere in the country and it doesn't cover everything... and it's not meant to. This is an opinionated, personal guide to some of my favorite spots in Switzerland. A couple of my favorite cities are included, but I think Switzerland really shines in the mountains, and that's where you should spend most of your time. I've also included links to books, rail passes, stores and other travel resources that I'd recommend for a trip to Switzerland. When you search or purchase through many of the links in this guide, you'll be generating commissions for, a non-profit organization trying to help some of the world's poorest people, a dire need that is often seen on travels around the world. So please come through this page or for searches or shopping (even if you're not traveling to Switzerland) and know that you're giving back a little in the process!

If you're interested in an organized hiking tour or a custom self-guided tour of any type to Switzerland, see our Self-guided Tours page and check out, our hiking tour website, which can provide lots of ideas and affordable, personalized services.
You don't need to be a hiker or skier to travel to Switzerland and have an unforgettable vacation. The country is extremely accessible and beautiful, with fantastic sights everyone, and that is the central message of this travel guide...
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